How to Prepare Geography for UPSC

How to Prepare Geography for UPSC

How to Prepare Geography for UPSC?: Simple, Easy and Step-by-Step Guide / Strategy / Preparation Tips for UPSC Prelims, Mains and Optional Exam for Geography Subject.

Preparing geography for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. Here are some steps and tips to help you in your preparation:

1. Understand the UPSC Exam Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the UPSC exam pattern, which consists of three stages: the Preliminary Examination (Objective type), the Main Examination (Descriptive type), and the Personality Test (Interview). Geography is part of both the Preliminary and Main exams.

2. Syllabus Analysis: Thoroughly go through the UPSC syllabus for geography to understand the topics and subtopics that you need to cover. The syllabus can be found on the official UPSC website.

3. Study Material: Gather relevant and quality study material for geography. Books by renowned authors and publications specific to the UPSC exam can be valuable. Some recommended books include:

– Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
– Geography of India by Majid Husain
– Indian and World Geography by Majid Husain
– School Atlas by Oxford or Orient Blackswan

4. Make Notes: While studying, make concise and organized notes. This will help in quick revision and better retention of information.

5. Focus on Fundamentals: Understand the fundamental concepts of physical geography, human geography, and Indian geography. Pay attention to topics like geomorphology, climatology, population, urbanization, agriculture, industries, etc.

6. Current Affairs: Stay updated with current affairs related to geography, such as environmental issues, geographical events, disaster management, and government policies related to geography.

7. Maps and Diagrams: Practice drawing and interpreting maps. Maps play a significant role in the geography paper, so practice labelling and marking important geographical features.

8. Solve Previous Year Papers: Solve previous years’ question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern, question format, and level of difficulty. This will help you identify important topics and boost your confidence.

9. Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to assess your preparation level and work on your time management skills. Mock tests simulate the real exam environment and help you identify weak areas that need improvement.

10. Revision: Allocate sufficient time for revision. Regularly revise your notes and key concepts to reinforce your understanding.

11. Join Test Series and Coaching (Optional): If you feel the need for additional guidance, you can consider enrolling in a good test series or joining a reputed coaching institute for geography preparation.

12. Stay Committed and Consistent: UPSC preparation demands dedication and consistency. Create a study schedule, stick to it, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the journey.

Remember that geography is a vast subject, so manage your time wisely and give appropriate attention to all important topics. Stay focused, work hard, and be confident in your abilities. Good luck with your UPSC preparation!

How to Prepare Geography for UPSC Prelims

Preparing geography for UPSC Prelims requires a focused and systematic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with your preparation:

1. Understand the Syllabus: Begin by thoroughly understanding the UPSC Prelims syllabus for geography. The syllabus will provide you with a clear outline of the topics you need to cover.

2. Collect Study Material: Gather quality study material for geography that covers the entire syllabus. As mentioned earlier, some recommended books include:

– Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
– Geography of India by Majid Husain
– Indian and World Geography by Majid Husain

3. Focus on NCERTs: For basic conceptual understanding, start with NCERT geography books of class 6 to 12. These books provide a strong foundation and are crucial for the UPSC exam.

4. Make Notes: While studying, create concise notes that highlight key points, important facts, and figures. This will help in quick revision closer to the exam.

5. Map Practice: Practice drawing and interpreting maps regularly. In the UPSC Prelims, questions related to locations, physical features, and boundaries are common. Make sure you are well-versed in map-based questions.

6. Current Affairs: Keep yourself updated with current affairs related to geography, especially topics like environmental issues, disasters, and geographical events.

7. Previous Year Question Papers: Solve previous years’ geography question papers to get a sense of the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the Prelims. This will also help you identify important topics.

8. Practice Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Practice MCQs specifically designed for the UPSC Prelims. There are many online resources and books available with mock tests and practice questions for geography.

9. Revision: Set aside time for regular revision. It’s essential to revise the topics you’ve covered to retain the information effectively.

10. Mock Tests: Take mock tests and full-length practice tests regularly. This will help you assess your preparation level, improve time management, and boost your confidence.

11. Analyze Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and work on improving them. Pay special attention to the topics you find challenging.

12. Stay Stress-Free: While preparing for the Prelims, maintain a healthy and stress-free routine. Take breaks, exercise, and ensure proper rest.

Remember that the Preliminary exam is just the first step, and you need to qualify for the Main exam as well. Therefore, plan your preparation in a way that allows you to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively. Stay committed, be consistent in your efforts, and believe in yourself.

How to Prepare Geography for UPSC Mains

Preparing geography for UPSC Mains requires an in-depth and comprehensive approach. Here are some tips to help you with your preparation:

1. Master the Basics: Ensure you have a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts in physical geography, human geography, and Indian geography. Review the NCERT geography books of class 6 to 12 to build a solid foundation.

2. UPSC Mains Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the UPSC Mains geography syllabus. The syllabus outlines the topics you need to cover in detail.

3. Refer to Standard Books: Read advanced books that cover the topics mentioned in the syllabus in greater depth. Some recommended books for UPSC Mains geography are:

– Geography of India by Majid Husain
– Human Geography by Majid Husain
– Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
– Models in Geography by Majid Husain

4. Current Affairs and Contemporary Issues: Stay updated with current affairs related to geography, including environmental issues, disaster management, urbanization, and government policies impacting geography.

5. Map Work: Practice drawing and interpreting maps regularly. In the Mains exam, you may be required to draw maps and mark significant geographical features.

6. Analyze Previous Year Question Papers: Analyze past years’ geography papers to understand the type of questions asked and the demand for depth and critical analysis. This will give you insights into the examiner’s expectations.

7. Develop Analytical Skills: Focus on developing your analytical and critical thinking skills. UPSC Mains requires candidates to present well-structured answers with a balanced perspective on various issues.

8. Answer Writing Practice: Practice answer writing regularly. Pay attention to the presentation, organization, and coherence of your answers. Write in a clear and concise manner, making use of diagrams and maps where appropriate.

9. Diagrams and Case Studies: Include relevant diagrams and case studies in your answers to illustrate your points effectively. This adds credibility to your responses.

10. Refer to Government Reports and Documents: Supplement your preparation with information from government reports, policy documents, and geographical surveys. These sources provide valuable data and insights.

11. Join Test Series: Enroll in a reputable test series for geography to practice full-length mock tests and receive feedback on your answers. This will help you gauge your preparation level and identify areas for improvement.

12. Time Management: Develop effective time management skills to ensure you can complete the exam within the allotted time frame. Practice writing answers within the specified word limit.

13. Revise Regularly: Schedule regular revisions to reinforce your learning and retain information effectively.

Remember, UPSC Mains is about depth of knowledge and critical analysis. Focus on conceptual clarity, stay updated with current affairs, and practice extensively to excel in the geography paper. Stay confident, remain disciplined in your preparation, and approach the exam with a positive mindset.

Is Ncert Enough for UPSC Geography?

NCERT books are an essential starting point for UPSC geography preparation, especially for building a strong foundation and understanding the basic concepts. However, relying solely on NCERT books may not be enough to cover the entire UPSC syllabus comprehensively. While NCERTs provide a good overview of various topics, UPSC requires candidates to have a deeper understanding and critical analysis of the subjects.

Here’s why NCERTs alone may not be sufficient for UPSC geography preparation:

1. Limited Coverage: NCERT books cover the basic concepts and fundamentals, but the UPSC syllabus is vast and requires more in-depth knowledge on various topics.

2. Lack of Advanced Concepts: UPSC Mains questions demand advanced knowledge and critical analysis. NCERTs may not delve into advanced concepts or contemporary issues to the extent required by the exam.

3. Current Affairs: UPSC includes current affairs-based questions, and NCERT books might not provide the most updated information on current events, environmental issues, government policies, etc.

4. Specific Topics: Some topics in the UPSC syllabus might not be covered in NCERTs, or they may be addressed only superficially.

To supplement your preparation, it is recommended to refer to additional study material, such as standard textbooks written by renowned authors. Here are some books that can complement your NCERTs:

1. Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
2. Geography of India by Majid Husain
3. Human Geography by Majid Husain
4. Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
5. Indian and World Geography by Majid Husain

Additionally, you should read relevant government reports, research papers, and other reference materials to stay updated with current developments.

Moreover, practising previous years’ question papers, taking mock tests, and joining a good test series will help you assess your preparation and work on your answer writing skills, which is crucial for the UPSC exam.

In conclusion, while NCERT books are an essential part of UPSC geography preparation, they should be supplemented with other relevant study materials to cover the entire syllabus comprehensively and be well-prepared for the exam.

How to Prepare Notes for Geography UPSC?

Preparing effective notes for UPSC geography is essential for efficient revision and retention of information. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create useful and organized notes:

1. Read the Source Material: Begin by reading the source material, such as NCERT books or standard textbooks, thoroughly. Understand the concepts and information being presented.

2. Summarize and Condense: While reading, highlight the key points, important facts, and significant data. Summarize the content in your own words to condense the information.

3. Use Bullet Points and Headings: Structure your notes using bullet points and headings. This makes the notes visually appealing and easier to navigate during revisions.

4. Organize by Topics and Subtopics: Categorize your notes by topics and subtopics based on the UPSC geography syllabus. This helps you quickly locate specific information during revision.

5. Include Diagrams and Maps: Geography often involves graphical representations. Include relevant diagrams, maps, and charts in your notes, as they can help you understand and explain concepts better.

6. Make Separate Notes for Current Affairs: Create a separate section in your notes to include important current affairs related to geography, such as environmental issues, disasters, and government policies.

7. Avoid Copying Word-for-Word: Avoid copying large chunks of text directly from the source material. Instead, focus on understanding the concept and expressing it in your own words.

8. Use Abbreviations and Mnemonics: Use abbreviations and mnemonics to condense information further and make it easier to remember.

9. Use Different Colors and Highlighters: Use different colours and highlighters to emphasize important points or to categorize information based on its relevance.

10. Maintain Neatness and Clarity: Keep your notes neat and legible. Use a consistent writing style and ensure that the notes are easy to understand.

11. Regularly Review and Update: Review your notes regularly and update them with additional information or recent developments. This will help keep your notes relevant and up-to-date.

12. Create Digital Notes (Optional): If you prefer digital notes, you can use note-taking apps or software to organize your notes digitally. This can make searching for specific information more convenient.

13. Practice Mind Mapping (Optional): Consider using mind maps to visualize complex concepts and their interconnections. Mind maps can be a helpful tool for revision.

Remember, the goal of note-making is to make the learning process efficient and effective. Create notes in a way that suits your learning style and preferences. By following these steps, you can prepare well-organized and comprehensive notes that will aid you in your UPSC geography preparation.

In Which Paper Geography Comes in UPSC?

Geography is included in both the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) Preliminary and Main exams. It is an essential subject in the UPSC exam and holds significant weightage in both stages.

1. UPSC CSE Preliminary Examination: Geography is a part of the General Studies Paper-I in the Preliminary exam. This paper consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and covers various subjects, including history, geography, polity, economy, environment, and current affairs.

2. UPSC CSE Main Examination: In the Main exam, geography is one of the optional subjects that candidates can choose. The UPSC Main exam consists of nine papers, two of which are the optional subjects. If a candidate chooses geography as their optional subject, they will have to appear for two papers in geography (Paper-I and Paper-II).

Candidates can choose geography as their optional subject to demonstrate their in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Alternatively, they can also opt for other optional subjects based on their interest and expertise.

It’s important to note that while geography is a popular and scoring optional subject, candidates should choose their optional subject wisely, considering their strengths, interests, and the availability of relevant study material and guidance.

How Difficult is Geography Optional for UPSC?

The difficulty level of the Geography optional for UPSC can vary from candidate to candidate, depending on their background, interest, and preparation strategy. Here are some factors that determine the difficulty level:

1. Background in Geography: Candidates with a background in geography, either through academic studies or professional experience, may find it relatively easier to grasp the concepts and score well.

2. Interest and Understanding: If a candidate has a genuine interest in geography and a good understanding of the subject, they are likely to find it less challenging.

3. Study Material and Guidance: The availability of quality study material, books, and guidance from experienced teachers or mentors can significantly impact the difficulty level. Having access to the right resources can make the preparation process smoother.

4. Coverage of Syllabus: The vastness of the geography syllabus can be daunting for some candidates. However, a strategic approach to covering all topics and regular revision can help overcome this challenge.

5. Answer Writing Skills: The difficulty level can also be influenced by a candidate’s ability to write well-structured, coherent, and analytical answers. Developing answer-writing skills is crucial for scoring high marks.

6. Current Affairs Integration: Geography as an optional subject requires candidates to integrate current affairs and contemporary issues into their answers. Staying updated with relevant current events can be demanding.

Overall, candidates who dedicate sufficient time to systematic preparation, cover the entire syllabus with depth, and practice answer writing can find geography as an optional subject to be manageable and rewarding. However, it’s essential to choose an optional subject based on one’s interests and strengths, as the right fit can make the preparation process more enjoyable and successful.

How to Study World Geography for UPSC

Studying world geography for UPSC requires a well-structured and comprehensive approach. Here are some steps to help you with your preparation:

1. Syllabus Analysis: Start by carefully analyzing the UPSC syllabus for world geography. Understand the topics and sub-topics mentioned in the syllabus to know what to focus on during your preparation.

2. Study Material: Gather relevant study material for world geography. Some recommended books for world geography include:

– World Geography by Majid Husain
– Human Geography by Majid Husain
– Atlas (Oxford or any other reputed publication)

3. NCERTs: Read NCERT books on world geography from classes 6 to 12. These books provide a solid foundation and are crucial for understanding the basic concepts.

4. Current Affairs: Stay updated with current affairs related to world geography, such as international events, geopolitical issues, environmental concerns, etc.

5. Maps and Diagrams: Practice interpreting and drawing maps to understand the global distribution of various physical and human geography phenomena.

6. Understand Concepts: Focus on understanding the fundamental concepts of world geography, including physical features, climatic zones, population patterns, economic activities, political geography, etc.

7. Regional Focus: While studying world geography, adopt a regional focus and study continents and regions one by one. This approach helps you comprehend the regional nuances and interconnectedness better.

8. Integration with GS: Relate world geography concepts to general studies topics, especially in areas like international relations, environment, and disaster management.

9. Analyze Current Issues: Understand the geographical aspects of contemporary global issues, such as climate change, migration, trade, geopolitical conflicts, etc.

10. Previous Years’ Papers: Solve previous years’ UPSC question papers related to world geography to understand the exam pattern and the type of questions asked.

11. Note-making: Make concise and well-organized notes during your preparation. These notes will be helpful during revision and quick recaps.

12. Regular Revision: Regularly revise the topics you have studied to reinforce your learning and retain the information effectively.

13. Mock Tests and Test Series: Take mock tests and join a reputable test series specifically focused on world geography. This will help you evaluate your preparation and improve your time management skills.

Remember that world geography is a dynamic subject, and staying updated with current events and developments is essential. Dedicate enough time to study, practice, and revision, and maintain a disciplined study routine. By following these tips, you can prepare well for world geography in the UPSC exam.

Geography UPSC Syllabus

The UPSC syllabus for Geography is divided into two parts: Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. Here’s the detailed syllabus for both stages:

1. UPSC Preliminary Examination (Paper-I: General Studies)

Part-A: Indian and World Geography

1. Salient features of the world’s physical geography.
2. Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent).
3. Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).
4. Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, Volcanic activity, cyclones, etc.
5. Geographical features and their location – changes in critical geographical features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.

Part-B: Geography of India

1. Physical, Economic, and Social Geography of India.
2. Climate, Vegetation, and Soil Distribution in India.
3. Major crop cropping patterns in various parts of the country.
4. Location of industries, factors responsible for the location of industries, and the development of industrial clusters.
5. Social-geographical issues related to population distribution, urbanization, and migration.

2. UPSC Main Examination (Optional Subject: Geography)


1. Principles of Physical Geography
2. Geomorphology
3. Climatology
4. Oceanography
5. Biogeography
6. Environmental Geography


1. Perspectives in Human Geography
2. Economic Geography
3. Population and Settlement Geography
4. Regional Planning
5. Models, Theories, and Laws in Human Geography
6. Geographical Thought

The UPSC Main examination consists of two papers for the optional subject. Candidates can choose “Geography” as one of the optional subjects and will have to answer questions from both Paper-I and Paper-II.

It’s important to note that the syllabus is vast, and candidates should cover all topics mentioned in the UPSC syllabus comprehensively. Additionally, staying updated with current geographical events and issues will also be beneficial for both Preliminary and Main examinations.

