The Enchanted Pool – C. Raj Gopalachari
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UP Board 10th English BOOK lesson 1 The Enchanted Pool written by C. Raj Gopalachari. The Enchanted pool translation in Hindi | Class 10th थे एनचांटेड पूल समरी इन हिंदी | थे एनचांटेड पूल फुल स्टोरी इन हिंदी | थे एनचांटेड पूल स्टोरी इन हिंदी | the enchanted pool story in Hindi | The Enchanted Pool Story in Hindi | रहस्यमयी तालाब | थे एनचांटेड पूल समरी इन हिंदी | The Enchanted Pool Question Answers in Hindi.
The Enchanted Pool Summary
नीचे रहस्यमयी तालाब कहानी का समरी हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओँ में दिया गया है | जिसे आप कहानी को छोटे रूप में समझने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं | आप चाहें तो अपनी परीक्षा में भी इस पैसेज को लिख सकते हैं |
The Enchanted Pool Summary in English
The Enchanted Pool Story is written by C. Raj Gopalachari. This story belongs to Mahabharta, which is one of the greatest holy books of Hindus. This story describes an accident that happened with the Pandavas brothers. Pandavas were living in the forest during their exile days. One day they feel thirsty, they went to the nearest pond to drink water. That pond belongs to a Yaksha who stopped them from drinking the water and wants answers to his questions first. But Arjun, Bheem, Nakula, and Sahdeva did not pay attention to him and tried to drink water and became fainted.
Then elder brother, Yudhishthira went to find them and found his brothers fainted near the pond. He also tried to drink water and Yaksha also stopped him from drinking. And wanted answers to his questions first. Yudhishthira gave answers to Yaksha’s questions and make his brothers alive.
यूपी बोर्ड हाई स्कूल अंग्रेजी के सभी चैप्टर्स का हल – यहाँ डाउनलोड करो
The Enchanted Pool Summary in Hindi
This story is very knowledgeable and tells us many things about life. This story also describes Yudhishthira’s love of justice.
Hindi Translation – “रहस्यमयी तालाब” कहानी “सी. राज गोपालाचारी” द्वारा लिखी गयी है | यह कहानी हिन्दुओं के सबसे पवित्र ग्रंथों में से एक महाभारत से सम्बंधित है | इस कहानी में मुख्यत: पांडव भाइयों से सम्बंधित एक घटना का वर्णन किया गया है | पांडव वनवास में हैं और एक दिन उनको प्यास लगती है, तो वह पास में ही स्थित एक तालाब में पानी पीने के लिए चले जाते हैं | लेकिन वह तालाब एक यक्ष के अंडर में आता है, जोकि उन्हें पानी पीने से रोकता है और पहले अपने सवालों का जवाब चाहता है | लेकिन अर्जुन, भीम, नकुल और सहदेव उसकी बातों पर ध्यान नहीं देते हैं और पानी पीने का प्रयास करते हैं और मुर्छित होकर गिर जाते हैं |
फिर सबसे बड़ा भाई युधिष्ठिर उनकी तलाश में जाता है | और अपने भाइयों को तालाब के पास बेहोश पाता है | वह भी पानी पीने का प्रयास करता है और यक्ष उसे भी पानी पीने से रोकता है | और पहले अपने सवालों का जवाब चाहता है | युधिष्ठिर उसके सवालों का जवाब देता है और अपने भाइयों को जीवित करवाता है |
यह कहानी बहुत ही ज्ञानवर्धक है और जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों के बारे में बहुत ही बातें बताता है | इस कहानी से युधिष्ठिर की न्यायप्रियता के बारे में भी पता चलता है |
The Enchanted Pool Story Hindi Translation
नीचे रहस्यमयी तालाब कहानी का पैसेज वाइज हिंदी ट्रांसलेशन दिया गया है | जिससे आपको आपको आसानी से कहानी समझ में आ जाये | अगर आपको किसी वर्ड का मीनिंग नहीं समझ में आ रहा हो तो कमेंट के माध्यम से आप हमें बता सकते हैं |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 1
As he looked at their mighty limbs, now so helpless, he sadly wondered who could have been powerful enough to kill them. Then e too descended into pool, drawn to the water by an overpowering thirst. At once the voice without form warned.
Translation – जब उसने (युधिष्ठिर ने) उनकी (अपने भाइयों) की बलशाली भुजाओं को देखा, जोकि अब बहुत असहाय हो चुके थे, तब उन्हें दुःख भरा आश्चर्य हुआ की कौन इतना बलशाली हो सकता है, जो इन्हें मार दे | तब बहुत प्यास के कारण वह भी तालाब की ओर जाने लगे | तभी उस अदृश्य आवाज ने उनको चेतावनी दिया |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 2
“Your brothers died because they did not heed my words. They tried to drink water without answering my questions. Do not follow them. Answer my questions first and then you can quench your thirst. This pool belongs to me.”
Translation – “तुम्हारे भाई मर गए क्योंकि उन्होंने मेरी आवाज पर ध्यान नहीं दिया | और बिना मेरे प्रश्नों का उत्तर दिए हुए पानी पीने की कोशिश की | उनकी तरह मत बनो | पहले मेरे प्रश्नों का उत्तर दो, उसके बाद तुम अपनी प्यास बुझा सकते हो | यह तालाब मेरे अधिकार में है |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 3
It did not take Yudhishthira a moment to understand that these could be no other than the words of a Yaksha and guessed what had happened to his brothers. It took him no time to see a possible way of bringing them back to life. He said to the bodiless voice: “Please ask your questions.”
Translation – युधिष्ठिर को यह समझते देर नहीं लगी की यह किसी और की नहीं बल्कि एक यक्ष की आवाज है और उन्होंने अनुमान लगा लिया की मेरे भाइयों के साथ क्या हुआ होगा | और उन्हें यह भी समझने में देर नहीं लगी की उन्हें जीवित कैसे किया जा सकता है | तब उन्होंने उस अदृश्य आवाज से कहा : “कृपया अपने प्रश्न पूछिए” |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 4
The voice put questions rapidly one after another.
“What rescues man in danger?”
“By the study of which science does man become wise?”
“Not by studying any – ‘Shastra’ does man become wise. It is by association with the great in wisdom that he get wisdom.”
The Yaksha asked, “What is swifter than the wind?”
Translation – तब उस आवाज ने एक के बाद एक लगातार प्रश्न पूछना शुरू कर दिया |
“खतरे में इन्सान को क्या बचाता है ?”
“कौन–सा ग्रन्थ पढ़कर इन्सान बुद्धिमान बन सकता है ?”
“इन्सान किसी भी ग्रन्थ को पढ़कर बुद्धिमान नहीं बन सकता, बल्कि वह बुद्धिमता के संगत में रहकर बुद्धिमान बन सकता है |”
यक्ष ने पूछा, “हवा से भी तेज क्या है ?”
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 5
“What is more faded than a dried straw?”
“A sorrow – stricken heart.”
“What be friends a traveler ?
“Who is the friend of one who stays at home?”
“The wife.”
“Who accompanies a man in death?”
“Dharma, that alone accompanies the soul in its solitary journey after death.”
Translation – “सुखी घास से भी मुरझाया हुआ क्या है ?”
“दुःख से भरा हुआ ह्रदय”
“एक यात्री का मित्र कौन होता है ?”
“घर पर रहने वाले का मित्र कौन होता है ?”
“मृत्यु के समय आदमी का साथ कौन देता है ?”
“धर्म ही एक ऐसी वस्तु है जो मृत्यु के बाद आत्मा के साथ–साथ जाता है |”
The Enchanted Pool Story in Hindi – PARA – 6
“Which is biggest vessel?”
“The earth, which contains all within itself, is the greatest vessel.”
“What is happiness?”
”Happiness is the result of good conduct.”
“What is that, by giving up which man becomes loved by all?”
“Pride, for if man gives up being proud, he will be loved by all.”
“What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?”
“Anger, if we give up being angry, we will no longer be subject to sorrow.”
Translation – “सबसे बड़ा जलयान क्या है ?”
“पृथ्वी, जो सबकुछ अपने अन्दर लिए हुए है, सबसे बड़ा जलयान है”
“ख़ुशी क्या है ?”
“ख़ुशी अच्छे आचरण का परिणाम है”
“वह क्या है, जिसको छोड़ने पर इन्सान सबका प्यारा बन जाता है ?”
“घमंड, अगर हम घमंड करना छोड़ दें तो सबसे प्यारे बन जायेंगे”
“वह कौन–सा घाटा है जो दुःख नही ख़ुशी देता है ?”
“क्रोध, अगर हम क्रोधित होना छोड़ दे तो हम कभी भी दुखी नहीं होंगे”
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 7
“What is that, by giving-up which a man becomes rich?”
“Desire. If man gives up being greedy, he will become wealthy.”
“What makes one a real ‘Brahmana?’ Is it birth, good conduct, or learning? Answer decisively.”
“Birth and learning do not make one a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learned a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without giving up bad habits. Even though he may be learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.”
Translation – “वह क्या है, जिसको छोड़कर इन्सान धनी बन जाता है”
“इच्छा, अगर इन्सान लालची बनना छोड़ दे तब वह धनी बन जायेगा |”
“इन्सान को क्या असली ब्राहमण बनाता है, जन्म, अच्छा आचरण या ज्ञान ? निश्चय करके उत्तर देना”
“जन्म या ज्ञान इन्सान को ब्राहमण नहीं बनाता है बल्कि अच्छा आचरण इन्सान को ब्राहमण बनाता है | ज्ञानी व्यक्ति बिना बुरा आचरण छोड़े ब्राहमण नहीं बन सकता | भले ही उसने चारो वेद पढ़ लिए हों | बुरे आचरण वाला व्यक्ति निम्न श्रेणी का होता है”
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 8
“What is the greatest wonder in the world?”
“Every day men see creatures depart to Yama’s kingdom; and yet those who remain want to live forever. This truly is the greatest wonder.”
Thus, the Yaksha put many questions and Yudhishthira answered them all.
Translation – “दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य क्या है ?”
“प्रतिदिन इन्सान लोगों को मरते हुए देखता है, उसके बाड़ भी वह हमेशा के लिए जीवित रहना चाहता है यह दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य है”
इसी तरह यक्ष ने कई प्रश्नों को पूछा और युधिष्ठिर ने सभी का उत्तर दे दिया |
The Enchanted Pool in Hindi – PARA – 9
In the end the Yaksha asked “O, King one of your dead brothers can now be revived. Who do you want to come back to life?”
It took Yudhishthira a moment to think and then he wished that the cloud-complexioned, lotus-eyed, broad-chested, and long-armed Nakula, laying like a fallen ebony tree, might arise.
Translation – अंत में यक्ष ने पूछा, “राजा मरे हुए भाइयों में से कोई एक जीवित हो सकता है | तुम किसे जीवित करना चाहते हो ?
कुछ क्षण सोचकर युधिष्ठिर ने कहा की वह बादल–रूपी , कमल–नयनी, चौड़ी छाती वाला तथा लम्बी भुजाओं वाले नकुल, जो एक आबनूस की तरह गिरा हुआ है, को जीवित करना चाहते हैं |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 10
The Yaksha was pleased at this and asked Yudhishthira: “Why did you choose Nakula in preference to Bhima, who has the strength of sixteen thousand elephants? I have heard that Bhima is most dear to you. And why not Arjuna, whose strength in arms is your protection? Tell me why you choose Nakula rather than either of these two.”
Translation – इसपर यक्ष प्रसन्न हुआ और युधिष्ठिर से पूछा : “तुमने भीम की बजाय नकुल को क्यों चुना, जिसके पास 16 हजार हाथियों का बल है ? मैंने सुना है कि भीम तुमको बहुत प्यारा है | और अर्जुन को क्यों नहीं, जिसके भुजाओं का बल तुम्हारा सुरक्षा कवच है ? मुझे बताओ तुमने उन दोनों के बजाय नकुल को क्यों चुना”
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 11
Yudhishthira replied: “O Yaksha, ‘Dharma’ is the only shield of man and not Bhima and Arjuna, If ‘Dharma’ is given up, man will be ruined. Kunti and Madri were the two wives of my father. I am alive, a son of Kunti and so she in not completely bereaved. In order that scales of justice may be even. I ask that Maderi’s son, Nakula may revive.”
Translation – युधिष्ठिर ने उत्तर दिया, “अरे यक्ष धर्म ही इन्सान का सबसे बड़ा सुरक्षा कवच है भीम और अर्जुन नहीं | अगर धर्म को छोड़ दिया जाये तो इन्सान बर्बाद हो जायेगा | मेरे पिता की दो पत्नियाँ थीं कुंती और माद्री | मैं कुंती का पुत्र जीवित हूँ इसलिए वह पूरी तरह से संतानहीन नहीं हुई है | न्याय के लिए मैंने माद्री के पुत्र नकुल को जीवित करने के लिए कहा था |
The Enchanted Pool Hindi Translation – PARA – 12
The Yaksha was most pleased with Yudhishthira’s impartiality and granted that all his brothers would come back to life.
It was Yama, the Lord of Death, who had taken the form of the Yaksha so that he might see Yudhishthira and test him. He embraced Yudhishthira and blessed him; then he disappeared.
Translation – युधिष्ठिर के निष्पक्ष उत्तर पर यक्ष बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ और उनके सभी भाइयों को जीवित कर दिया |
वह मौत के देवता यमराज थे, जिन्होंने युधिष्ठिर को देखने और उसका परीक्षा लेने के लिए यक्ष का रूप लिया था | उन्होंने युधिष्ठिर को गले लगाया और आशीर्वाद दिया, उसके बाद वह अदृश्य हो गए |
The Enchanted Pool Questions and Answers
यहाँ रहस्यमयी तालाब कहानी से परीक्षा में आने वाले प्रश्नों का उत्तर दिया गया है | यह प्रश्नोत्तर अंग्रेजी के साथ ही साथ हिंदी भाषा में भी अनुवाद किया गया है | परीक्षा में अपना परफॉरमेंस बढ़िया देने के लिए आपको इस प्रश्नोत्तर को ध्यान देकर पढना चाहिए |
The Enchanted Pool Exercise Solutions
(A) Read the following passages and answer the questions given below –
(नीचे दिए गये पैसेज को पढ़िए और प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये) –
(a) It did not …………………… the greatest vessel.
- Write the title of the lesson from which the above-noted passage has been taken. Who is the writer of this lesson?
(उपरोक्त पैसेज जिस अध्याय से लिया गया है उसका टाइटल लिखिए | इस अध्याय का लेखक कौन है?)
Answer – The above passage has been taken from the title “The Enchanted Pool“. C. Raj Gopalachari is the writer of this lesson.
- What rescues a man in danger?
(खतरे में एक आदमीं को कौन बचाता है?)
Answer – Courage. According to Yudhishthira, “Courage helps a man in danger”.
- What is swifter than the wind?
(हवा से भी तेज क्या है?)
Answer – Mind, According to Yudhishthira, “Mind is swifter than Wind”. The mind travels fastly than wind.
- What is more faded than a dried straw?
(सूखी घास से भी मुरझाया हुआ क्या है?)
Answer – A sorrow-stricken heart. Yudhishthira says, “A sorrow-stricken heart is more faded than a dried straw.”
- Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings:
(पैसेज से उन शब्दों को खोजिए जिनका मीनिंग निम्नलिखित है)
- save (बचाना)
- knowledge. (ज्ञान)
Answer – (a) Bring Back to Life. (b) Learning.
(b) What is the loss ……………….. answered them all.
- What is that, by giving-up which a man becomes loved by all?
(वह क्या है जिसको छोड़ने से मनुष्य सबका प्यारा बन जाता है?)
Answer – Pride. Yudhishthira says, “A man will be loved by all after giving-up his pride.”
- What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?
(क्या खो जाने से हमें हमें ख़ुशी मिलती है दुःख नहीं?)
Answer – Anger, if we give up being angry, we will no longer be subject to sorrow.
- What is that, by giving-up which a man becomes rich?
(वह क्या है, जिसको छोड़कर आदमी आमिर बन जाता है?)
Answer – Desire. If a man gives up being greedy, he will become wealthy.
- What makes one a real Brahmana?
(किसी को वास्तविक ब्राहमण क्या बनाता है?)
Answer – Birth and learning do not make one a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learned a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without giving up bad habits. Even though he may be learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.
- Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings:
(पैसेज से उन शब्दों को खोजिए जिनका मीनिंग निम्नलिखित है)
- misery (विपत्ति)
- behaviour (व्यवहार)
Answer – (a) sorrow (b) good conduct.
(c) It took …………………… disappeared.
- Write the name of the lesson from which the above-noted passage has been taken and also given the name of the author.
(उपरोक्त पैराग्राफ जिस अध्याय से लिया गया है, उसका नाम लिखिए और लेखक का नाम भी बताइए)
Answer – The above-noted passage has been taken from the lesson “The Enchanted Pool” written by “C. Raj Gopalachari“.
- Why Yaksha was pleased?
(यक्ष क्यों प्रसन्न हुआ?)
Answer – Yudhishthira answered all the questions of Yaksha correctly. Then Yaksha said that he can revive one of his brothers and asked him to choose one of them. Yudhishthira chooks Nakula which makes Yaksha pleased.
- What did he ask Yudhishthira?
(उसने युधिष्ठिर से क्या पूछा?)
Answer – Yaksha asked Yudhishthira that why did he choose Nakula over Arjuna and Bhima which are more powerful than Nakula.
- What was the reply to Yudhishthira?
(युधिष्ठिर का उत्तर क्या था?)
Answer – After Yaksha asked him why did he choose Nakula and not Arjuna or Bhima. Then Yudhishthira replied to him. He said that his father had two wives ‘Kunti’ and ‘Madri’. And he is (a son of Kunti) alive and justice says that Nakula (a son of Madri) has to get back to life.
- Find out the words from the passage which have the following meanings:
(पैसेज से उन शब्दों को खोजिए जिनका मीनिंग निम्नलिखित है)
- come back to life. (पुनर्जीवित होना)
- power. (शक्ति)
Answer – (a) Revive (b) strength
(d) O Yaksha, Dharma is ………….. Nakula may revive.
- Why did Yudhishthira ask for Nakula’s revival?
(युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल का जीवन क्यों माँगा?)
Answer – Yudhishthira asked for Nakula’s revival because his father had two wives ‘Kunti’ and ‘Madri’. He was the son of ‘Kunti’ and alive. And to maintain the scale of justice he asked for Nakula’s life because he was the son of ‘Madri’.
- What will happen, if “Dharma” is given up?
(क्या होगा अगर “धर्म” को छोड़ दिया जाए?)
Answer – According to Yudhishthira, “A man will be ruined if he will leave ‘Dharma’.”
- Who was Nakul?
(नकुल कौन था?)
Answer – Nakul was the younger brother of Yudhishthira. And he was the son of ‘Madri’ the second wife of Yudhishthira’s father.
- Which words in the passage have the synonyms of the following words?
(पैसेज से उन शब्दों को खोजिए जिनका समानार्थी निम्नलिखित है)
- Protection (सुरक्षा)
- Destroyed (नष्ट करना)
Answer – (a) Shield (b) Ruined
(e) Your brothers died ………………. ask your questions.
- Write the name of the lesson from which the above passage has been taken. Who is the author of the lesson?
(उपरोक्त पैराग्राफ जिस अध्याय से लिया गया है, उसका नाम लिखिए | इस अध्याय का लेखक कौन है?)
Answer – The above passage has been taken from the lesson “The Enchanted Pool”. The author of this lesson is “C. Raj Gopalachari”.
- Who was the owner of the pool? Why did the four brothers of Yudhishthira die?
(तालाब का मालिक कौन था? युधिष्ठिर के चारों भाई क्यों मरे?)
Answer – Yaksha was the owner of the pool. Yudhishthira died because they have not paid attention to Yaksha’s voice.
(B) Long Answer Type Questions:
(दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
Answer the following questions in not more than 60 words each:
(नीचे दिए प्रश्नों का उत्तर 60 शब्दों में दीजिए)
- Who was Yudhishthira? Why was he in anxiety?
(युधिष्ठिर कौन था? वह क्यों चिंतित था?)
Answer – This story is about an accident related to Pandavas. Yudhishthira was the elder brother of Pandavas. While their exile, on day they feel thirsty so he sent his brothers to bring water. His all four brothers went to bring water and did not come back. A passing a long time he felt anxiety for his brothers that why the did not come back.
- How did Yudhishthira reach the pool of clean water?
(युधिष्ठिर साफ़ पानी के तालाब तक कैसे पंहुचा?)
Answer – Yudhishthira reached the pool of clean water after his brothers had not come to him. While leaving in the forest, one day they felt thirsty, so he had sent his brothers to bring some water for him. They went to bring water but became fainted after not paying attention to Yaksha’s voice. So Yudhishthira decided to find them and that’s how he reached there.
- Narrate briefly the qualities of Yudhishthira according to the lesson.
(अध्याय के अनुसार युधिष्ठिर की खूबियाँ संक्षेप में बताइए)
Answer – Yudhishthira was a very wise man. He answered Yaksha’s difficult questions very well and makes him pleased. He was a truth and justice-loving person. When Yaksha said to revive one of his brothers and asked him to choose one of them. He chose Nakula because he wants to maintain the scale of justice. And after seeing all this we can say that Yudhishthira was a very great man. He tells us the many useful things and important lessons of life.
What quality of Yudhishthira pleased the Yaksha most?
(युधिष्ठिर के किस गुण ने यक्ष को अधिक प्रसन्न किया?)
- How could Yudhishthira please Yaksha a most and to what result?
(युधिष्ठिर ने यक्ष को कैसे प्रसन्न किया और उसका परिणाम क्या निकला?)
Answer – Yudhishthira answered all questions of Yaksha very well. Then Yaksha said that he can revive one of his brothers asked him to choose. He chose Nakula over Arjuna, a great archer and Bhima, who had the strength of sixteen thousand elephants to maintain the scale of justice. That’s made Yaksha pleased. And Yaksha rewarded him by reviving all of his brothers.
How did the Yaksha reward Yudhishthira? Give reasons for rewarding him.
(यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर को कैसे पुरस्कृत किया? उसे सम्मानित करने के कुछ कारण बताइए)
- What makes one a real Brahmana – birth, learning, or good conduct?
(क्या किसी को वास्तविक ब्राहमण बनाता है – जन्म, शिक्षा या अच्चा आचरण?)
Answer – While answering to Yaksha, one of the questions is asked to Yudhishthira that what makes a man a real Brahmana. Then he answered very well. He said that neither learning Vedas nor getting birth in a decent family. A man can only become a real Brahmana by his behavior and good conduct.
What makes one a real Brahmana?
(किसी को क्या वास्तविक ब्राहमण बनाता है?)
- Draw a character sketch of Yudhishthira.
(युधिष्ठिर का चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए)
Answer – इसका उत्तर प्रश्न 3 के उत्तर जैसा ही होगा |
- Write any three questions that were asked to Yudhishthira by the Yaksha. What reply did Yudhishthira give to these questions?
(किन्ही तीन प्रश्नों को लिखिए जो यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से पूछे थे? युधिष्ठिर ने उन प्रश्नों का उत्तर क्या दिया?)
Answer – Yaksha asked Yudhishthira many questions and he replied all correctly. Three questions are given below.
(a) Which is the biggest vessel?
(b) What is happiness?
(c) What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?
Yudhishtra’s answer to these questions.
(a) The earth, which contains all within itself, is the greatest vessel.
(b) Happiness is the result of good conduct.
(c) Anger, if we give up being angry, we will no longer be subject to sorrow.
What questions did Yaksha ask to Yudhishthira?
(यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर से क्या प्रश्न पूछा?)
- Why had Yama taken the form of a Yaksha?
(यमराज ने यक्ष का रूप क्यों लिया था?)
Answer – Yama had taken the form of a Yaksha because he wanted to check the knowledge and thinking of Yudhishthira. He asked Yudhishthira many questions that were tricky and related to life. But Yudhishthira replied to him very well. Which made him pleased. And he revived all his brothers.
- Why was Yaksha pleased with Yudhishthira and what did the do then?
(यक्ष युधिष्ठिर से क्यों प्रसन्न हुए और उन्होंने क्या किया?)
Answer – Yaksha asked many questions to Yudhishthira that were enough to trape any person. But Yudhishthira was very wise and he replied to all of the questions of the Yaksha correctly very well. Then Yaksha told him to revive one of his brothers and asked him to choose. He chose Nakula to maintain the scale of justice. That made Yaksha pleased. And he revived all of his brothers.
(c) Short Answer Type Questions:
(लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
Answer the following questions in not more than 25 words each:
(निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों का उत्तर 25 शब्दों में दीजिए)
- Why did Yama take the form of Yaksha?
(यमराज ने यक्ष का रूप क्यों लिया?)
Answer – Yama had taken the form of Yaksha because he wanted to test Yudhishthira’s knowledge and behavior. And Yudhishthira made him pleased.
- Who did the pool belong to?
(तालाब किसका था?)
Answer – The pool of freshwater belonged to Yama, who had taken the form of Yaksha. And when Pandavas went to drink water he stopped them from drinking by showing his authority over the pool.
- What was the last question of the Yaksha?
(यक्ष का अंतिम प्रश्न क्या था?)
Answer – Yaksha asked Yudhishthira in last that what is the greatest wonder of the world. Yudhishthira replied to him very well. He said that everyday man watches another man dying and besides watching that he want to live forever.
- Who was Nakula?
(नकुल कौन था?)
Answer – Nakula was the younger brother of Yudhishthira. And he was also the son of Madri. Madri was the second wife of Yudhishthira’s father.
- Why did Yudhishthira prefer Nakula to other brothers?
(युधिष्ठिर ने अन्य भाइयों की अपेक्षा नकुल को क्यों चुना?)
Answer – Yudhishthira preferred Nakula over other brothers because he wanted to maintain the scale of justice. His father had two wives “Kunti” and “Madri”. He, a son of Kunti, was alive, and to make justice he wanted to revive Madri’s son Nakula.
- What quality of Yudhishthira pleased the Yaksha most?
(युधिष्ठिर के किन गुणों ने यक्ष को प्रसन्न कर दिया?)
Answer – Yudhishthira was a very true and intelligent person. He answered all the questions of Yaksha. His love for justice made Yaksha pleased. When he chose Nakula to revive that made Yaksha pleased most.
- How did the Yaksha reward Yudhishthira?
(यक्ष ने युधिष्ठिर को कैसे सम्मानित किया?)
Answer – Yudhishthira answered all the questions of Yaksha. That made Yaksha pleased and he rewarded him by reviving all of his brothers.
- What is the greatest wonder in the world according to Yudhishthira?
(युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार संसार का सबसे बड़ा आश्चर्य क्या है?)
Answer – इसका उत्तर प्रश्न 1 के उत्तर जैसा ही होगा |
- Who was Yaksha? What questions did he ask to Yudhishthira?
(यक्ष कौन थे? उन्होंने युधिष्ठिर से क्या प्रश्न पूछे?)
Answer – Yaksha was the lord of death Yama. Yama wanted to test Yudhishthira’s knowledge so asked him many questions. Like “What is the greatest wonder of the world?”, “What is faster than wind?”, “What is happiness?” etc. Yudhishthira answered all the questions correctly.
- How, according to Yudhishthira, can a man become happy and rich?
(युधिष्ठिर के अनुसार आदमी कैसे खुश और अमीर बन सकता है?)
Answer – According to Yudhishthira, a man can become happy and rich by giving-up his desire. That’s correct actually.
- Why did Yudhishthira ask for Nakula’s life?
(युधिष्ठिर ने नकुल का जीवन क्यों माँगा?)
Answer – Yudhishthira asked for Nakula’s life because he wanted to maintain the scale of justice. Though he was a justice-loving person. His father had two wives Kunti and Madri. He was a son of Kunti and alive. And Nakula was the son of Madri. So he wanted to revive Madri’s because that’s the demand of justice.
- Whose sons were Nakul and Sahdev?
(नकुल और सहदेव किसके पुत्र थे?)
Answer – Nakula and Sahdev were sons of Madri. Madri was the second wife of Yudhishthira’s father.
1. Select the most suitable alternative to complete each of the following statements:
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करने के लिए सबसे सही विकल्प चुनिए)
(i) Nakula was son of …………….
(नकुल पुत्र था …………….)
- Kunti
- Madri
- Draupadi
- Gandhari
Answer – (b) Madri
(ii) Who had the strength of sixteen thousand elephants?
(किसके पास 16 हजार हाथियों का बल था?)
- Yudhishthira
- Bhima
- Arjuna
- Nakula
Answer – (b) Bhima
(iii) ………………. is swifter than the wind.
(……….. हवा से भी तेज है)
- mind
- sun
- moon
- fire
Answer – (a) Mind
(iv) Who is the friend of one who stays at home?
(घर पर रहने वाले का मित्र कौन होता है?)
- son
- daughter
- wife
- father
Answer – (c) Wife
2. Say whether each of the following statements is ‘true’ or ‘false’:
(निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में सही और गलत की पहचान कीजिए)
- Yudhishthira’s brothers were very thirsty.
(युधिष्ठिर के भाई बहुत प्यासे थे)
Answer – True
- Yama had taken the form of the Yaksha.
(यमराज ने यक्ष का रूप लिया था)
Answer – True
- Madri was mother of Bhima.
(माद्री भीम की माँ थी)
Answer – False
- Dharma is the only shield of a man.
(धर्म एकलौता इन्सान का रक्षक है)
Answer – True
- Yudhishthira’s brothers would not come back to life.
(युधिष्ठिर के भाई जीवित नहीं हुए)
Answer – False
- Yudhishthira answered all the questions of the Yaksha.
(युधिष्ठिर ने यक्ष के सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे दिया)
Answer – True
(E) Vocabulary
1. Give opposite words of the following:
(निम्नलिखित के विलोम शब्द बताइए)
Sacred (पवित्र), Faint (मूर्छित होना), Mourn (शोक मनाना), Happiness (ख़ुशी), Biggest (सबसे बड़ा).
Answer – Sacred – Cursed (अपवित्र) || Faint – Regain (होश में आना) || Mourn – Celebrate (खुशियाँ मनाना) || Happiness – Sadness (दुःख) || Biggest – Smallest (सबसे छोटा)
2. (i) Match the following words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’ ;
(नीचे दिए गए लिस्ट A के शब्दों को लिस्ट B में उनकी मीनिंग से मिलाइए)
List A | List B |
Proceed (आगे बढ़ना) | Destroy (नष्ट करना) |
Sacred (पवित्र) | Express sorrow (दुःख व्यक्त करना) |
Rescue (बचाना) | Protection (सुरक्षा) |
Mourn (शोक मनाना) | To go forward (आगे बढ़ना) |
Shield (रक्षक) | Save (बचाना) |
Ruin (नुष्ट करना) | Holy (पवित्र) |
Answer – Proceed – To go forward || Sacred – Holy || Rescue – Save || Mourn – Express sorrow || Shield – Protection || Ruin – Destroy
(ii) Match the following words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’:
(नीचे दिए गए लिस्ट A के शब्दों को लिस्ट B में उनकी मीनिंग से मिलाइए)
List A | List B |
anxiety (चिन्ता) | burnt into fire (आग में जलना) |
resemble (प्रकट होना) | art of stone carving (पत्थर तराशने की कला) |
cremated (दाह संस्कार करना) | to look like (दिखना) |
sculpture (मूर्तिकला) | feelings of uncertainty and fear about future (अस्थिरता और भविष्य के बारे में डर महसूस करना) |
Answer – Anxiety – feelings of uncertainty and fear about future || resemble – to look like || cremated – burnt into fire || sculpture – art of stone carving
(iii) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’:
(नीचे दिए गए लिस्ट A के शब्दों को लिस्ट B में उनकी मीनिंग से मिलाइए)
List A | List B |
mystery (रहस्य) | seriousness (गंभीरता) |
edge (किनारा) | known (ज्ञात) |
familiar (परिचित) | end (अंत) |
gravity (गंभीरता) | secret (रहस्य) |
Answer – mystery – secret || edge – end || familiar – known || gravity – seriousness
(iv) Match the words of List ‘A’ with their meanings in List ‘B’:
List A | List B |
unique (अलग) | really (वास्तविक) |
truly (सत्य) | stopped for a short time (कुछ समय के लिए रुकना) |
reluctant (अनिच्छुक) | being the only one of its kind (अलग तरह का होना) |
paused (रुकना) | not willing (इच्छा नहीं होना) |
Answer – unique – being the only one of its kind || truly – really || reluctant – not willing || paused – stopped for a short time
(3) Rewrite each of the following sentences by replacing the group of italicized words by one word:
(तिरछे लिखे शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द लिखते हुए निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को फिर से लिखिए |
- When Yudhishthira’s brothers did not return, he was filled with a feeling of uncertainty and fear.
(जब युधिष्ठिर के भाई नहीं लौटे तो वह अनिश्चितता और डर से भर गया)
Answer – When Yudhishthira’s brothers did not return, he was filled with anxiety.
- His brothers had become a victim to the Yaksha’s words calling for punishment.
(उसके भाई यक्ष की आवाज की दण्ड से पीड़ित हो गए)
Answer – His brothers had become a victim to the Yaksha’s voice.
- The pool was surrounded by a piece of grassland.
(तालाब चारो तरफ से घास के मैदान से घिरा था)
Answer – The pool was surrounded by shrubs.
- He saw his brothers lying without movement or sound near the pool.
(उसने देखा उसके भाई बिना किसी गति और आवाज के तालाब के पास पड़े हुए थे)
Answer – He saw his brothers lying fainted near the pool.
- His brothers had been made aware of the danger by the Yaksha.
(उसके भाइयों को यक्ष ने खतरे के बारे में बताया था)
Answer – His brother had been warned by the Yaksha.
(4) Fill in the blanks with suitable words selected from the list given below:
(नीचे लिस्ट में दिए गए शब्दों में से उपयुक्त शब्द चुनकर खाली स्थान भरिये)
guessed (अनुमान लगाना), proud (गर्व), swifter than (से तेज), preferred (पसंदीदा), contained (सम्मिलित)
- The pool …………………. clear water.
- Yudhishthira ……………… Nakula to his other brothers.
- When the Yaksha warned Yudhishthira, the latter ……………… what had happened to his brothers.
- A man who is ……………….. of himself his position and wealth is not loved by anybody.
- Mind is …………… the wind.
Answer – (i) contained (ii) preferred (iii) guessed (iv) proud (v) swifter than.
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The Enchanted Pool Question Answer [Important]
What rescues a man in danger?
Courage. According to Yudhishthira, “Courage helps a man in danger”.
What is swifter than the wind?
Mind, According to Yudhishthira, “Mind is swifter than Wind”. The mind travels fastly than wind.
What is the loss which yields joy and not sorrow?
Anger, if we give up being angry, we will no longer be subject to sorrow.
What makes one a real Brahmana?
Birth and learning do not make one a Brahmana; good conduct alone does. However learned a person may be, he will not be a ‘Brahmana’ without giving up bad habits. Even though he may be learned in the four Vedas, a man of bad conduct falls to a lower class.
Why Yaksha was pleased?
Yudhishthira answered all the questions of Yaksha correctly. Then Yaksha said that he can revive one of his brothers and asked him to choose one of them. Yudhishthira chooks Nakula which makes Yaksha pleased.
What did he ask Yudhishthira?
Yaksha asked Yudhishthira that why did he choose Nakula over Arjuna and Bhima which are more powerful than Nakula.
Why did Yudhishthira ask for Nakula’s revival?
Yudhishthira asked for Nakula’s revival because his father had two wives ‘Kunti’ and ‘Madri’. He was the son of ‘Kunti’ and alive. And to maintain the scale of justice he asked for Nakula’s life because he was the son of ‘Madri’.
GKPAD by YadavG पर विजिट करने के लिए धन्यवाद! अगर आपको इस पेज पर किसी तरह की त्रुटियाँ मिलती हैं तो आप हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से सूचित कर सकते हैं |
tags – The Enchanted pool translation in Hindi | Class 10th थे एनचांटेड पूल समरी इन हिंदी | थे एनचांटेड पूल फुल स्टोरी इन हिंदी | थे एनचांटेड पूल स्टोरी इन हिंदी | the enchanted pool story in hindi | The Enchanted Pool Story in Hindi | रहस्यमयी तालाब | थे एनचांटेड पूल समरी इन हिंदी
Sir chapter 2 me answer nahi hai
Hey @Shubham, aap answers ke liye is book ko download kar sakte ho -> 10th English Guide
Very nice translation in hindi
Thanks! Sourav
Very nice and helpful thanks.
Es sa Questions and answers ka pdf kaisa download kare
Hey @Suyash sorry abhi question answer ka separate pdf file to available nahi hai pr aap complete book download kar sakte ho. link upr page pr diya gaya hai
Sir mere Kuch questions iss chapter ke alag h please unka solutions Kar do
Hey @Shiva, ठीक है आप अपने प्रश्न कमेंट करिए मैं उनका उत्तर आपको बता दूंगा |
Good it’s helpfull
Good its helpfull app
Me aapki is website se Bahut ghus hoon . Ye website kafi labh pahuchaya he thank you
Thanks @Jeeshan
Very supportive and helpful
Thanks @Rajendra
बहुत अच्छा सर. लेकिन पैराग्राफ 8 मे बाड़ नहीं बाद रहेगा सर. थैंक्स सर
Hey @Manish thanks for informing me. Mistake has been updated.
Sir next lesson BHI solve Kat do
Hey @Bablu, mai jld hi next lesson solve kar dunga. Inform karne ke liye dhanyawad
Thanks @Sunder
The ganga lesson 3rd solve Kar do please
Hey @Bablu jld hi mai Ganga chapter solve karunga. thanks for reminding me.
Yak pat bhut good hai
Thank you !
You’re welcome!
Nice Sir
Thx bhai
How does courage help man in danger?
How can learning be a friend to a traveller?
Please tell me both answers
Hey, @Vaibhav here are your answers.
Answer 1 – According to Yudhishthira “Courage Help Man in Danger”. That’s is actually correct. When you’re surrounded by danger in your life the only thing is Courage that can help you to get rid of that.
For example, let’s imagine you’re in a jungle. A lion has seen you and came to eat you. Then what should you do? That actually depends on your courage. If you have the courage then you can climb on a tree to save your life.
Answer 2 – Yudhishthira also says “Learning be a friend to traveller”. Let’s understand this. If you’re going to China and you know that very few Chinese know English and if you’re don’t know Chinese then how can you travel there. And you can understand Chinese by learning.
I hope your got all the answers you want. Thanks!
Verry verry nice 🤓
thanks @Sahil
Sir very nice
Very nice